Finally! 1

I stumbled upon this website earlier this evening and was so taken by all of your experiences. Needless to say I became incredibly aroused the more I read. I’ve never been able to get myself off, but thanks to you ladies I finally did!I’ve always wanted to have a girl-on-girl experience even though I’m happily in love with my boyfriend. I will often watch lesbian porn, but my discovery of tribbing on this website really had me intrigued. I ran to find my vibrator only to realize it had run out of battery power; not that it ever did that much for me anyways. I’ve tried masturbating before but I always end up feeling sort of silly and nothing really ever happens. However, tonight was a completely different story. I was watching this video: and I figured I’d grab my non-vibrating vibrator and just let it slip between my soaking wet lips. All of a sudden I was overcome with the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had. I was just lightly patting my clit and lips with the vibrator and I couldn’t stop. My breathing became heavy and I could no longer concentrate on the video. I finally came and it was all thanks to this website. I love reading all your stories and I really appreciate all the information. Thanks ladies!

One comment on “Finally!

  1. Reply pleasure_4_u_1999 Mar 20,2011 2:36 pm

    Congratulations. This website is fantastic. I think that in the past you were too concentrated on reaching an orgasm and not on the foreplay. The video did that for you – you relaxed and hence a great end result.

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