What is Clitical.Com?…
At Clitical.Com we believe that masturbation, especially female masturbation, is a solid foundation for a great sex life! After all if you can’t understand what makes you tick, why would you expect another to simply know?
Here at Clitical you will find a host of sex positive articles, sex toy reviews, stories and so much more, all designed to arouse but more than that educate. We are looking to create a Masturbation Revolution, and we hope that you will join us. To discover more about our thoughts on masturbation please read our Masturbation Manifesto.
While female masturbation is the main focus of Clitical.Com, it’s about so much more than just female masturbation. Here you will find information on the most important female sex organs: The Clitoris and the Mind!
At Clitical.Com women can explore their sexuality, while their partners can come and learn how to better pleasure them. So whether you are seeking better orgasms, a better understanding of female sexuality or how to spice up your love life whether solo or partnered, you are sure to find something that will hit the right spot.
Who Are We?…
Jenne is the head honcho at Clitical, but it wasn’t always so. Back in the days when dinosaurs roamed the internet, Jenne met another webmaster called Art, who had his own website: EroticStories.Com.
The result of that torrid and often tumultuous union was Clitical.Com. Over the years Art has taken his own path, but is always around when Jenne needs, (read that, as quite often) technical advice.
Since it’s birth in 2000, Clitical has evolved and reinvented itself many times, and has developed relationships with many other sex positive sites and continues to do so. We believe that by putting together our collective heads, we can all learn from one another, no matter our gender, sexual preference or political persuasion. Everyone is welcome at Clitical as long as they are over the age of 18 of course!
So now you’ve read the boring stuff, why not spend some time looking around Clitical.Com? Maybe you too will discover something new and interesting, and always remember to stay sexy!