- Female Anatomy: The G-Spot
Where do you find it?
Oh, the elusive G-Spot! Does it exist or doesn’t it? I’m here to tell you that it *DOES* exist! The G-Spot is not buried somewhere deep within the depths of the vagina in some nook or cranny. You shouldn’t have to send out a search party and you don’t need a ...
Read the rest of this female anatomy tutorial Here - Female Anatomy: Down There Details
Maybe you know every one of your folds and flaps, or maybe, like most, you don’t. If you want to know where your ‘whatsit’ is or what that ‘thingy’ is called then explore the diagrams below. When your cursor turns into a pointing finger, click to find out more.
Female Body A
Closer Look At The Vulva A
Closer ...
Read the rest of this female anatomy tutorial Here - Female Anatomy: The Breasts
What is their purpose?
Breasts serve several purposes. They nurture the young by producing milk, they attract the male of the species, and they are a source of seemingly endless sexual inspiration, fascination, and fantasy for men- and even some women. They are also a potential favorite hotspot during sexual play.
Breasts are made up of mostly ...
Read the rest of this female anatomy tutorial Here - Female Anatomy: The Vulva
Description: The vulva is the term that refers to all of the woman’s externally visible genitalia. Many people commonly make the mistake of referring to the vulva as the vagina, but the vagina is actually just the internal canal. Everything you can see from the outside is referred to as the vulva.
Vulvas vary in appearance ...
Read the rest of this female anatomy tutorial Here - Female Anatomy: The Mons Veneris
What is its purpose?
The mons cushions the pubic bone from the impact of intercourse and can be sexually sensitive in some women. It is believed that the purpose of pubic hair on the mons is to trap the scents released by the secretions in the pubic region. These secretions serve as an erotic stimulus to ...
Read the rest of this female anatomy tutorial Here - Female Anatomy: The Clitoris
What is its purpose?
The clitoris is the only organ in the human body that has no other known purpose other than producing sexual pleasure.
Where do you find it?
You can find the clitoris at the 12:00 position of the vulva. It’s located near the top of the vulva and may be hidden under the labia and/or ...
Read the rest of this female anatomy tutorial Here - Female Anatomy: The Urethra
What is its purpose?
Its main purpose is to serve as the passageway for urine expulsion from the body. Where do you find it? The urethral opening (or urinary opening) is located between the clitoral glans and the vaginal opening. It is hidden between the labia minora. Its exact location varies from lady to lady and ...
Read the rest of this female anatomy tutorial Here - Female Anatomy: The Anus
What is its purpose?
The anus is where solid waste exits the body.
What do you need to know about it?
· The anus is full of nerve endings, very highly sensitive to touch, and can be a source of great pleasure. Try stimulating it during your lovemaking, if you lady is open to the idea.
· Approximately 26% ...
Read the rest of this female anatomy tutorial Here - Female Anatomy: Labia Minora- Or Inner Lips
What is their purpose?
The purpose of your inner labia is to keep bacteria away from your urethral and vaginal openings and protect the vagina, the urethra, and the clitoris.
Where do you find them?
The labia minora are the inner lips- two thin stretches of tissue that lie to the inside of the labia majora, or outer ...
Read the rest of this female anatomy tutorial Here - Female Anatomy: The Labia Majora – Or Outer Lips
What is their purpose?
The labia majora enclose and protect the other external reproductive organs.
Where do you find them?
The labia majora start near the bottom of the mons and run downward to the top of her perineum (the area between her anus and vaginal opening).
The labia majora are the fat, fleshy outer-most lips of the vulva, ...
Read the rest of this female anatomy tutorial Here