This giveaway has now ended and the winner was: Karen Blue In case you weren't aware August is officially National Anal Sex Month. Whilst we have no idea who decided…
Pearl shows us how she pleasures herself on her couch. [nggallery id=5] IFeelMyself.Com, all rights reserved. Unauthorized use is prohibited. [starthumbsblock tpl=25]
First Impressions: I was contacted by the Igino team when this was just an idea, and was asked to review it once they went into production. To say I was…
1. The science of kissing is called philematology, while the fear of kissing is known as Philematophobia 2. Lips are 100 times more sensitive than the tips of the fingers.…
Written By: J Leigh "Talk to you later sweetheart." I hang up the phone with a soft sigh. Plans thwarted again, I walk the short distance to my bed. Turning…
Spunk might only cum in one variety but Spunklube comes in three! These three unique lubes are designed to fix many of the problems that can be encountered if, like…
Occasionally I find a hot fireman or maybe two sneaking into my fantasies, so I was happy to read and review this anthology of short stories dedicated to these hero's.…
1: Use a camera you are familiar with! You don't need fancy equipment to take good photos. A willingness to play is more important here than the equipment, especially if…
THE SMART GIRL Written By: Katie Green The smart girl knows that dancing Is just an appetizer before intercourse And that conversation, no matter how intelligent With the man she…
Yes, Virginia, it's true – sex is good for you, all of you! Not only does an active sex life provide physical benefits, but it also supports emotional health. Life…