Not sure how to masturbate? Looking for some new tips and techniques? Then you have come to the right place…
Sometimes, something drops into my mailbox that makes me go, yes! What follows is one such item. So often we forget about the power of simply touching each other, let alone looking at the differences between our touch and someone elses. I hope you enjoy this piece from the amazing Kayla Lords as much as ...
Read the rest of this articleBreasts: I’m not sure about you but I have something of a love hate relationship with mine. I can look in the mirror one day and they are there and looking dandy, the next I feel quite differently about them. During the month of October many of us turn our thoughts to our breasts, thanks ...
Read the rest of this articleJust as we did in January, and February, each day throughout March, we will give you a new reason why you should masturbate and a new technique to try. This month we will be concentrating on techniques that may require the purchase of a product as well as giving the boys some techniques to ummm ...
Read the rest of this articleJust as we did in January, each day throughout February, we will give you a new reason why you should masturbate and a new technique to try. This month we will be concentrating on techniques that may require the purchase of a product as well as giving the boys some techniques to ummm play with…
1st ...
Read the rest of this articleEach day throughout January, we will give you a new reason why you should masturbate and a new technique to try. This month we will be concentrating on techniques that require nothing more than things that can be found around the house…
Jan 1st:
Masturbation Reason: You’re asserting your independence!
Masturbation Technique: Why not let your fingers do ...
Read the rest of this articleWritten By: Jenne
In my house the bathroom, is my one true sanctuary. The door locks, the kids know not to disturb Mom, and well I can do just about anything I like in my bathroom and often do. One of my favorite things to take time to explore in that sanctuary is some self love. ...
Read the rest of this articleAre You Ready, Ladies?
Finally, the female experience of self-pleasure!
YES, It’s True — females masturbate, too. Although we may not feel the same physical urgency to masturbate as guys (at least not as often as guys), girls definitely experience sexual arousal, particularly during puberty. It is often not only a physical experience but an emotional one ...
Read the rest of this articleOver the years we have heard just about every euphemism for female masturbation, so we figured we may as well give in and compile a list of those for your pleasure.
We take no responsibility for these euphemisms and if you choose to use some of them and get your backside kicked, you are on your ...
Read the rest of this articleWritten By: Angie
I had recently broken up with my fiance of three years because we simply drifted apart. There was not much to communicate and it seemed that we no longer had something new to talk about our selves and our likes in the bedroom.
As a sad result, the excitement in the bedroom had become ...
Read the rest of this articleWritten By: Jenne
Psstttt, listen closely, I’m gonna tell you a secret. Mutual masturbation is fun and you might actually learn a thing or two in the bargain as well as. Although many people think of masturbation as a solo activity, adding your partner into the mix can lead to some great fun and games and ...
Read the rest of this article