Here you will discover all the foreplay tutorials we have to offer, with more being added all the time!

  • Tutorial: Foreplay
    Written By” Jenne ” I feel that age plays a big part in people’s attitudes to foreplay. As a young male, I, like all other testosterone charged males, was hell bent on getting to the goal as quickly as possible without any regard for the state of arousal of my female friend at the time. Foreplay ...
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  • Tutorial: Sexting The Fun And Safe Way!
    Sexting can be hot, but it can also have unintended consequences, so before you send out that naked picture of your gorgeous self, you might want to read this first, and learn how to text safely… 1: Never show your face. Yes I know you’re gorgeous. But you don’t want that beautiful face attached to your super ...
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  • Tutorial: Redefining Foreplay
    Written By: C. Michael Smith (Erotic Examples by Jenne) Discover the highest ranked reason women do not reach orgasm during sex with their partner. Learn how it is possible to make love with your lady all day long, even when you are apart. Find out what part of your relationship women want you to pay more attention to. Discover ...
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