help! quiet methods? 2

I live with my fiance and his two children from a previous marriage, and I wondered if there were any quiet methods I could use to masturbate.I had a scary moment when I was using an electric toothbrush to cum and his son banged on the door and asked me if I was okay as it sounded as if the shower was ‘making a weird noise’. I’d love to keep my masturbation private.

I’ve tried the shower head and water jet method, and it just doesn’t work for me, please please please give me some ideas!


2 thoughts on “help! quiet methods?

  1. Reply kinkykitty Jul 7,2011 6:03 pm

    You could try grinding your pillow, or getting a silent vibrator.

  2. Reply CandyCaterpillar Jul 8,2011 4:30 pm

    I suggest getting a little bullet vibe if you’re already using a vibrating toothbrush. Vibes are quieter and safer. Some toothbrushes contain Phthalates, which can be bad for your body.

    Or, you could always just tell the kid you’re brushing your teeth in the shower. 😉

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