Hanging Around 1

Get a pair of boots for hanging upside down. Some medical supply stores carry them. They have hooks on them. They are commonly used for traction. If your cheap or desperate like me you can use ski boots. Get totally naked and into your boots and suspend yourself from a rafter or cross bar somewhere. Use your imagination. I do it in the basement by tying my boots with rope too two pulleys. Then I pull myself up and tie the rope off to something heavy or another pole. It’s hard to do while hanging upside down but not impossible if you plan it out. Ideally you have your partner do it for you. Now hanging upside down gives your head a rush of sensation. Now try to lift your body up by bending your legs. Start to stimulate yourself while flexing your stomach muscles and legs. If you can take it you will have a totally mind blowing and physically exhausting orgasm. When done let yourself down and you will sleep all night

One comment on “Hanging Around

  1. Reply aleglover May 9,2013 3:35 am

    Respectful guy here. This is somewhat similar to another poster who said she shimmied, in place, up a pole, like a fire pole. Another said she did the same with a rope. Another said she climbed (shimmied) a tree.
    All doing so “in place”.
    Let me explain. I tried visualizing the boots to hang by, and then pulling yourself up. I believe when you are pulling yourself up, you are using the same muscles in your lower abdomen, and crotch as the rope, pole and tree climber do.
    I wrote elsewhere on here in reply to the shimmying pole girl that I used to do the same thing when I was a boy. We all seemed to know about it as we all shimmied in place on the pole in the playground. I agree, the orgasm is mind blowing!
    You MIGHT be able to do it by shimmiying a table leg! By laying your body across the table, thereby taking a lot of the weight from your body off your arms. But, leave enough hanging below the table so there is still some weight for you to lift as you shimmy in place. I guess you would need a tall table, because you need to keep your lower body suspended and no feet touching the floor.
    As I wrote at the beginning of this post, it is being submitted respectfully. I KNOW this is a clitical site. I just want to make a contribution to female pleasure. 🙂

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