Erotic Story: Tonight Is Different

Erotic StoryWritten By: Rob Hammer

It’s a warm summer afternoon and we watch the kids playing in the back yard. They are toddlers and preschoolers, the oldest being 6. My sister-in-law Lori and her husband Dave are visiting for the weekend. My mind is filled with lewd thoughts of what might happen tonight. We get some ice cream for the kids, and I grab a fudgesicle out of the freezer. I flirt with my wife Ann, and tease her with the fudgesicle. I throw my head back, taking a sword swallower stance. With tongue slightly protruding past my lower lip, I sensuously slide it along my tongue, taking it completely into my mouth, feeling the icy chill on the back of my throat. I purse my lips and draw it out slowly, looking my wife directly in the eye. “Rob!” she exclaims at my naughtiness, worried that one of the kids will see. Lori and Dave giggle at her concern.

They are young parents, in their early twenties. We are a few years older. We each have three kids, all within the same age group. We spend the afternoon swimming in the pool. It’s a small, above ground type. Dave does a running jump into the pool, with legs crossed and arms folded across his chest, landing flat on his back. He’s a pretty big guy and displaces a lot of water, cascading it over the side of the pool and getting us wet. The kids get a big kick out of this screaming, “Do it again, do it again.” They are running around, chasing each other with squirt guns, crawling all over the jungle gym and swinging on the swing set.

I set up the grill for burgers. Ann makes a salad and we enjoy a picnic dinner in the late afternoon. At dusk, the mosquitoes drive us indoors. Soon it’s bath time, tooth brush, and story time for the kids. Getting all six cousins tucked in and off to sleep is quite a chore. They are happy and tired, with a full day of play. As the last one drifts off, I go down the stairs and breath a sigh of relief. It’s our time now.

They have been busy. All of the shades are drawn, and the house is locked up tight. A few extra sheets are hanging over the curtain rods, closing off spaces the drapes don’t quite cover. A deck of cards is sitting on the middle of the kitchen table. Lori looks at me, grinning mischievously from ear to ear. “Are you ready to play?” She is the perpetrator,dragging her husband along into our card playing truth or dare games. We have had a few sessions before, but somehow, I think tonight will be different.

It’s five card draw, nothing wild. It starts out as the usual strip poker. The rules are simple. The winner gets to ask another player a question that must be answered truthfully. The loser has the option of requesting a dare. So far they have been all dares, resulting in various pieces of clothing being shed. The dares can get pretty sexual in nature. Lori set one other important rule: intercourse with your partner only. We are all pretty much naked. I point out to Lori that she can’t keep hiding herself. Dave and I are sporting a couple of fine erections. Ann is laid back, comfortable with herself. Lori has still been trying to cross her legs above the knees, and folding her arms across her breasts.

Things start heating up quickly. I win, and dare