The Breaking Of Estelle Part 7
Erotic Story: A Christmas Gift (A True Story)
A Little Clitical History.
I was recently asked how I came to be the webmistress and founder of Clitical.Com and figured this was as good a place as any to tell, this not so little, story. So if you’re sitting comfortably…
A long time ago, when the dinosaurs roamed the internet… Okay, okay, so it was actually about 16 years ago, I discovered I loved to write erotica. Like many, I wrote as a hobby and I loved it. I loved the freedom of the words, I loved the freedom of the genre and I was hooked. I published my stories on line at EroticStories.Com and over time became very good friends with the webmaster there, Art.
Erotic Story: When You Can’t Sleep
Written By: Sexytime
It was late and insomnia had hit. Amelia laid on the cool leather sofa as the warm air blew over her bare arms and legs. Animated voices filled her living room changing from male to female as she flicked from channel to channel trying to ease her boredom. Giving up she walked to her bedroom and turned on the fan and bed side lamp. A dim light shed light on her bedroom. She let her shorts drop to her ankles and flopped down on her bed. Slipping and sliding around on her sheets she reached for her laptop. Looking for something to watch a show recommended to her online. Starting the TV show Amelia started to relax a little bit. She laid on her back with her legs bent and her feet on the bed. She continuously moved her legs so her knees were together then apart letting the air from the fan to glide through them. Finally relaxed she started stroking her belly.
Erotic Book Review: Can’t Get Enough Edited By Tenille Brown
I love anthologies and I cannot lie.
One of the main reasons for that is they cater to so many tastes in one place, and once in a while you discover a hidden gem of a kink or idea. Something you may have never and would never do, but the idea turns you on and sparks a desire from within.
If you follow Clitical you will know I’ve read and reviewed a lot of anthologies of late, and for the reasons stated above, so when the good people over at Cleis asked me to read another, I wasn’t about to say no. It wasn’t long before the book arrived and I could be found partaking of one of my favorite activities: reading.
There are 27 stories neatly nestled between the 204 pages that make up, ‘Can’t Get Enough.’ This collection of shorts is edited by Tenille Brown, and is her first anthology. To be honest there are so many good stories in those twenty seven, and the majority of them make me more than ready to grab something, anything, from my sex toy collection, and put them to work.
Friday Flash Fiction: Three Minutes
Can you believe it’s Friday already! As I’m sure you already know I love my flash fiction and today I offer you this piece written with these guidelines:
Key Phrase – When the fog lifted/settled (choose one)
Word Limit – 204
Forbidden Words – apocalypse, Max, Burning, stench
Bonus Words – Tell us what’s under the tarp
Extra Credit – 50 words extra if you strangest outfit you have ever worn, or wanted to wear during an orgasm
Below is my story: Three Minutes.
Flash Fiction Friday: Erotic Story: No Regrets
I’ve been busy writing some more Flash Fiction this week, as well as working on my book. This weeks FF challenge was to use the photo as inspiration and to keep within these guidelines:
Key Words – Aftermath, Regrets Word Limit – 250 Forbidden Words – BFF, Girlfriend Bonus Words –Earn 25 for making them co-workers, 25 more if one reports to the other.
No Regrets
Shelbie was my boss but she was more than that. She was my constant fantasy companion. I saw her not only in my office but also in my dreams. The phrase stiff upper lip was invented for her. Her form, so tight and prim and proper, never a hair out of place, that was until that night!
Erotic Book Review: Stories of O
‘O’ is a simple sound and a very simple vowel but when you put it into the context of the big ‘O’ it can take on a whole new meaning. In this particular case it means orgasmic erotica and the wonderful folks at Cleis press know all about that subject. When they offered me my own copy of their newest erotic addition, Stories of O I couldn’t resist.
So as is usual for me I settled down and started to read. This book is a little different from many that Cleis produces as it comes in electronic format only. I’m as happy to read on my Kindle as I am from a print book and sometimes reading in bed is easier with the Kindle as the back light means I can slip under the covers and provide my own climax to a story. Anyway back to the task at hand!
Erotic Story: A Glass Act
Each week I take part in a meme called Wicked Wednesdays. I do this for two reasons, it’s great writing practice and it’s fun… This meme is not restricted to writing but writing is what I love to do so…
There was a definite chill in the air that night. You know, the night that you christened your new lover. He had no idea what he was getting himself into when you invited him to spend the night, but I had seen this so many times before. Like a fly caught in a spiders web, I was trapped there unable to move, forced to watch, as you worked your magic.