Tutorial: Flirting – A Rough Guide 1

How-to-flirtWritten By: Jenne

For some, flirting is easy. For the remaining 98% of the world, it can be a combination of embarrassment and ridicule. With a little bit of thought and preparation though anyone can be a flirt, all it really takes is confidence and practice. Below I’ve listed what I think are important points that can make flirting fun and easier to.

Get Out Of The House: This might sound obvious but it’s surprising how many people think they can learn to flirt in front of the TV. It isn’t going to happen. Yes, it is possible to flirt on the net and it’s probably easier than flirting face to face with someone, but remember that eventually you might want to meet this person and how are you going to react then? If all you ever do is sit at home and not interact with others then when it comes to that face to face meeting you might well find things don’t go as well as you expected or hoped.

Give Yourself Permission To Flirt: Before you can do anything well you have to give yourself permission to try. All good flirting starts with an attitude and that attitude comes from only one person: You. Make your attitude towards flirting a positive one and you’ll find it becomes much easier. This is especially true for the ladies, if you think that only men flirt, then think again. Take a good look around you next time your out and watch how many women initiate the flirting ritual nowadays.

Smile And The Whole World Smiles Back: Don’t believe me? Next time your out and about, smile at three people and watch them smile back. It’s almost a guaranteed human response. It’s also one of the best tools in the good flirts armory. No one wants to talk to a grouch or someone who appears to be a misery, most of us respond to happy people and happy people smile. A smile is the primary form of nonverbal flirting! Remember regardless of the precise number of muscles used, smiling causes far fewer muscles to contract and expand than frowning, so know you have no excuse not to smile!

Take A Lesson From The Babies: Babies don’t talk and yet they grab our attention and make us respond to them. They use body language to do that. Through their body language they communicate, their fears, wants and needs and you can do worse than take a few lessons from the little ones as they are true experts in the field of body language. [You can read more on body language HERE]

The Eyes Have It: Eye contact is an absolutely essential part of flirting! Make eye contact with your target. Glance away on occasion – this is very important because otherwise you’ll appear to be staring. Once you’ve established eye contact, smile. REALLY smile – not the little grin you offer your Boss when you hand in a – offer a heartfelt smile.

Practice Makes Perfect: If at first you don’t succeed try, try again was my Mothers favorite saying and one that applies to flirting as well as many other areas of life. You don’t expect to get on a bike for the first time and be able to ride the tour de France, so why do we expect that flirting will be any different.

Listen: Once flirting moves from non verbal to the talking stage, remember to listen to your potential date. You have two ears and only one mouth and they are designed that way for a reason. There is nothing worse than a flirt/date that talks about themselves all night.

Rejection Is Not A Bad Thing: Honestly, rejection while it’s not good for your ego is something that all good flirts have to learn to face. Rejection doesn’t have to be negative if you