Female Anatomy: Perineum

perineum female aanatomyWhere do you find it?
Both men and women have a perineum. For a woman, the perineum is the short stretch of skin between her anus and the bottom of her vulva. In slang terminology, it is sometimes called the “taint”, the “tween”, or “no man’ land”

What do you need to know about it?
· A woman’ perineum often tears during the birthing process to accommodate the passage of the baby.

· Beneath the skin of the perineum lies a system of tissue, blood vessels, and nerve endings that may become highly sensitive during arousal.

How do you stimulate it?
· Try licking it, rubbing it, sucking on it, tapping on it, or massaging it to see how your lady responds.

Common Terms and Slang References:
biffin bridge; biffon; bemis; bonch; bozack; briar patch; bungus; burl; chin rest; chin strap; crossroad; danger zone; derf; dodus; fatch; flabangus; fleshy fun bridge; fromunder batch; ginch (Canadian; gooch; gonch (Canadian); gritch; great divide; grundle; guiche (Canadian); gulch; Humber Bridge; jensen; link, the; mucket; pepperpatch; pussanus; salty spot; skid row; smelly bridge; sniffers bridge; steelers fan; tween; yutt; zatch;

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