Sex Tutorials: Phone Sex A Rough Guide

phone sex a rought guideWritten By: Katie  Online relationships exist in all forms and on all levels. I want to talk about a very personal type of relationship that is springing up across the world. Why across the world? Because the Internet has made the world our dating field.

Of course some relationships are not about dating at all, but just about sex. Sounds simple enough, but is it? This article discusses highs and lows of taking that Internet relationships one step closer to real – phone sex.

Phone sex is the ultimate experience of a long distance relationship where two people can merge emotionally, share physical feelings without any physical contact with each other, and ultimately reach sexual release.

How, Exactly, Does Phone Sex Work?
First you need two people, preferable two people who know each other. While it is possible to do it between to complete strangers, take my advice – if you want it to be an enjoyable, memorable experience, do it with someone you know something about.

Where Do You Find A Partner?
You could pick up just about any rag mag and find an ad in the back for a phone sex service, but why pay $3.50 a minute to get yourself off? A better way is to establish a friendship with someone, either through a chat room or forum where you have a mutual interest. Sometimes, depending upon what the theme of your place of meeting is, it’s easy to segue into sexual talk. Sometimes it’s the natural progression of two people whose friendship is deepening. Do keep in mind that if you’re meeting people in a forum dedicated to a specific topic that most people are not there to find a cyber/phonesex partner.

Let’s assume that you’ve met a very special person. You’ve exchanged flirtatious messages and/or emails, perhaps even participated in a little cybersex (if you don’t know what that is, check out my article here: CyberSex). Then one day you see flash across the screen, “Can I call you?” My guess is that your heart will be racing at this point.

Should you or shouldn’t you? That depends upon how comfortable you are. If you’re ready to share personal information about yourself, if you feel comfortable enough to let the person hear your voice, and if you feel you can freely speak about sexual acts, you’re probably ready to try it.

One of the great things about talking online for many people is the lack of, or limited boundaries. There are no walls for most. You can be as honest as you want, or you can add spice and lots of flavorings. There are no rules, for most. Photos also fly over the Internet wires. One only hopes they are getting the realistic view of the one they have come to bond with. So if you think there’s a chance photos might be swapped, be honest.

The added benefit of talking someone through an orgasm is that you can hear inflection in their voice; you can hear their breathing change as they become more aroused.

But not everyone is good at phonesex. While they may be able to send you into unknown levels of excitement with the stroke of a few keys, they may not be able to verbalize their desire. Phonesex works on an auditory level. It depends upon your talent for description and visualization to bring the whole thing together.

One thing to keep in mind is timing, not only the timing of when to try your phonesex session, but timing within that session. When you decide to have your first session, make sure you have enough time. Having to hurry up because someone will be home soon is not conducive to a great session. There is nothing f