Female Anatomy: The Anus

anus Female anatomyWhat is its purpose?
The anus is where solid waste exits the body.

What do you need to know about it?
· The anus is full of nerve endings, very highly sensitive to touch, and can be a source of great pleasure. Try stimulating it during your lovemaking, if you lady is open to the idea.

· Approximately 26% of men and 20% of females will engage in anal sex at sometime in their lives with someone of the opposite sex.

· The percentage of Americans (men and women combined) that have anal sex regularly (at least several times a year): 8%

· The number one tip that probably EVERYONE will relate to you about anal sex is to use plenty of lube.

· There are some specialty lubricants designed for >anal sex that include an anesthetic to numb the woman’s sensation and make anal sex less painful. Most experts advise against these products. The simple fact is that pain is a way of your body telling you that something’s wrong. If you’re in pain during anal sex, you need to focus on solving the root problems, not anesthetizing yourself so it’s easier to endure.

· Take a bath together and lovingly wash each other. It will help put her at ease if she KNOWS that she is clean.

· Anal sex doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing deal. It doesn’t HAVE to be a penis in the anus. There are many other sexual things you can do with the anus. Start with touches on the outside of the anus. Try kisses and licks on the outside. Try inserting a finger or two. Try inserting a small toy. Anal sex doesn’t have to involve a penis right away, or ever!

· A penis is an awful big object to be the first thing you insert into someone’s anus. It’s much better, especially for a beginner, to start with something small and work your way up. Fingers are an excellent starting point. Use one finger, then two, to get your partner primed and ready for larger anal penetration. Be sure not to forget the lube, and you might also want to wear latex gloves. As your partner gets used to your fingers, you might graduate to a butt plug or a small dildo. Butt plugs and dildos are available in all shapes and sizes. Go shopping together to get one she thinks she can handle. Remember, though, don’t put the dildo into the vagina after putting it into the anus. The safest way is to put a condom on the dildo before using it, and to wash it thoroughly immediately after using it. Once she gets used to the butt plug or dildo, then try penetration with your penis.

· Let her control the insertion. For example, if you decide to try anal sex in the doggy style position, then kneel behind her and hold still. Let her back onto your erection at her own pace.

· If your lady is having trouble relaxing for anal entry, try giving her an orgasm or two, first, to help relax her and ease her tension.

· If you sense that something is wrong, don’t just pull out all of a sudden. Tell her what you are about to do and make sure that’s what she wants.

· I read this somewhere and thought it was really funny – yet true. Anytime you have something up someone else’s butt, go slow – not slow from your perspective, but slow from the perspective of someone that has something up their butt.

· Never insert anything into the mouth or the vagina that has been inserted into the anus, first. Carelessness in this regard can cause a horrendous infection.

· Guys, I suggest using a condom for anal sex. It keep