Top Ten: Aphrodisiacs AKA Food To Put You In The Mood

It’s no secret that all throughout history certain foods have been associated with larger than life libido’s and sought after for their sex appeal. The good news is our ancient ancestors were on the right track with many of the foods that we associate with sex. Now science has given us a reason to eat more of natures rich harvest and at the same time help our love lives. Below you will find a list of the top ten foods that are naturally designed to rev up your partners love engine thanks to the nutrients and vitamins they contains.So feel free to indulge!

aphrodisiac foodsAsparagus
Thanks to in part to its phallic shape Asparagus has long been enjoyed as an aphrodisiac food. In 19th century France, bridegrooms were served a three course meal of the sexy spears as their pre-wedding feast! It turns out the kings of romance the French knew what they were doing as asparagus is a great source of potassium, fiber, vitamin b6, vitamins A and C and thiamin acid. It’s also packed full of folic acid which is not only great for pregnant women but also helps promote the production of histamine which is thought to help with orgasm in both males and females.



Almonds for good sexAlmonds
In ancient times the aroma of almonds was thought to arouse passion in females, in fact Samson wooed Delilah with these nutty treats. It’s more likely that the fact they contain high doses of vitamin E, magnesium and fiber which all aid in the promotion of general well-being.



Advocada the food of loversAvocado
The Avocado tree was referred to the Aztecs as the “Ahaucuatl,” or the “testicle tree” thanks to the way the fruits hang in pairs and resemble men’s testicles. The Catholic church in Spain found Avocados’ so erotic, that Priests would forbid their flock to eat or even grow them. These long since unforbidden fruit are packed with vitamin B6, potassium and folic acid, all vitamins and minerals associated with fertility and they also taste good too!



Healthy, sexy bananasBananas
Hindus regard the banana as a symbol of fertility and a sweet yellow fruit left in a doorstep indicates that a marriage is about to take place. The banana flower itself has a distinctive phallic shape which helps encourage the image of this fabled aphrodisiac. Packed with potassium, magnesium and B vitamins this shapely and nutritious fruit is a meal in its self. Both potassium and B vitamins have been associated with the production of the sex hormones.



Basil for better sexBasil
Basil was regarded by the Greeks as a royal herb. It’s fragrant smell is unmistakable and is reputed to cure headaches. In some parts of Italy, basil is given as a love token and is also said to stimulate the sex drive as well as boost fertility. It also helps promote general well being and people who feel well/good are more likely to have a high libido.



Choclate better than sex?Chocolate
The Aztecs were the first true chocoholics. They ground cocoa beans added spices and drank the bitter brew without sugar. Legend has it that M