Review: Stronic Drei Pulsator 19


First Impressions

When the Stronic Drei arrived on my doorstep courtesy of GoodVibrations.Com I was blown away first and foremost by the quality of the packaging. The packaging itself just said luxury to me and that is always a good sign as far as I’m concerned. While the packaging is not flashy, it doesn’t have to be to say quality. The Stronic itself comes with a magnetic USB charger and is one of three toys from Fun Factory, that make up part of a new family of vibrators, that are not actually vibrators, but are known as pulsators.  Pulsators are a new technology and rather than vibrations produce a pulsating, or thrusting movement.

As I reached in and picked up my new blue toy I was struck by how heavy it felt compared to other vibes in my collection. This felt like solid construction as you picked it up and I found that reassuring as this is not a cheap toy. In fact it is one of the more expensive toys out there, coming in at around $200, and for that price, my thought process went something along the lines of it had better deliver what it promises, period.

One thing that I do want to point out here is the warning that is plastered all over the toy, packaging and instructions. If you or your partner wear a pacemaker, please do NOT use the Stronic Drei. This new technology, works via a couple of powerful magnets, and they will interfere with a pacemakers operation, and you will not get the effect you desire. Last I checked with my Doctor, my heart was in good health, and so I was confident to go exploring…

As I said previously this is not a light weight toy, and feels quality when it is held. It’s made of a high quality silicone and is phallic shaped, but with a few refinements. It has a slight curve to it’s tip and a slight bend in the middle that if you are familiar with g-spot shaped toys, at first appearance seemed to make this an ideal shape to hit that spot for most women. The Stronic Drei is actually 91/2 “ in length and that includes the control panel. It has a flared base, so can be used for anal play, although for me I was thinking at this point it might be a little big for me to try anally. Only around 5” of the silicone toy is insertable and that is more than enough for most women, myself included. This is not a small toy to insert either, it’s tip is around 1” wide, whilst at it’s very end is just over 2” and that’s quite a lot of toy.

The Stroni Drei also features some pretty deep ridges that run down it’s entire length and these intrigued me for some reason. I could see the potential they possessed for pleasure but could not help but wonder if they might not be a little painful. The controls of the Stronic Drei could not have been easier to operate and consist of three simple buttons that are located at the bottom panel of the toy. I love the fact that this are slightly raised as sometimes it can be difficult to locate the button that you want, when you want it, when a toy is inserted. These buttons also light up which was another big plus for me.

Charging the Stronic Drei could not be easier to be honest. It comes complete with a magnetic USB charger that simply clicks into place at the bottom of the Stronic. Plug the USB end into either a laptop or mains adapter and away it goes. My Stronic came with a full charge and a full charge is supposed to give you three hours of play time