The Delicious Torment Written By: Alison Tyler

The Delicious Torment Written By: Alison Tyler

My Delicious Torment: An Erotic Book ReviewReviewed By: Jenne

It’s no secret that Dark Secret Love was my favorite novel of 2013, a fact that you are probably painfully aware of if you follow me on Twitter. When I discovered that the sequel, My Delicious Torment was due to be released in January, I all but begged to be included on the blog tour.

So Cleis Press was good enough to send me a copy of the book, and I settled down one cold January evening and began to read. Four hours and 229 pages later, left me not only in serious need of a self loving session, but more of the same. I simply want to know where this wonderful story will end… Actually I’m not sure that I want it to end. I want it to go on forever, chronicling the life and loves of Samantha.

The book itself, continues the story of Samantha, a truly believable character, who is caught in the web of relationships, work and kink. Like many of us she struggles to find a balance between all three things in her life and this installment of the story, is much less about the kink factor and much more about the psychology of a relationship. How one’s past relationships, so often reflects within a current one for example.

Now don’t get me wrong, there is more than enough scorching hot sex in between the pages, but for me, I love the fact that  this book goes deeper into Samantha’s head. How she thinks, especially when her present love and Master decides to bring a new person into their relationship. The struggles that ensue are both captivating and, for me, thought provoking. I found myself asking questions as I turned each page, can you really have the best of both worlds, be a Sub and a Dom at once, love two guys at the same time? I was eager to know how Sam would react to each new challenge that her current boyfriend and Dom, Jack presented her.

The story itself has many fairy tale elements within it, but not in the way we usually think of fairy tales. This is more about Sam questioning those tales that as young woman, many of us were told. Meet a man, fall in love, and everything would be wonderful being the major theme. One one hand Sam wants to believe conventional wisdom, but on the other, she finds herself questioning conventional love. The story masterfully weaves it’s way through the trials and tribulations of negotiating a Sub/Dom relationship, and the writing is real, very real! The roller coaster of emotions that Samantha feels within her, are masterfully translated to the page.

Bringing in Jack’s right hand man, Alex,  who proves to be much more than a simple assistant, is a stroke of genius.  Now the conundrums and puzzles that affect those who live unconventional lifestyles comes to the forefront of the story. The what, if, and cans come into play and physiologically we see how Sam has moments of personal revelations.

My favorite scene in the whole story is where Sam is asked by her current Dom, Jack to reveal her inner most fantasies as she pleasures herself. Instead of telling him, she offers too write them down and I love the way Ms Tyler, weaves reality into the fantasies that Sam reveals to Jack.

If you’ve read and enjoyed Dark Secret Love, then you are in for a treat with the continuation of this story. Even if you have not read Dark Secret Love, this is a story that will stand alone, but I feel I was much more connected to the characters because I had read Dark Secret Love.

Hot sex, writing with meaning, and feeling are what make this book a true erotic classic in well, my book…

You can purchase your own copy of My Delicious Torment by Clicking HEREir?t=coupondiscuss 20&l=as2&o=1&a=1627780076

What to know more about the infamous and equally delicious Alison Tyler? Click HERE and read an interview that I did with her last year.


  1. BlackAsphodel

    Hey there, Yoda! :p #bloghop

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