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Newbie Virgin
Hello, I am a newbie here but I have been reading on this site for almost three years. I am 18 and I started pleasuring myself at 15. Goddamn, it…
Just as we did in January, each day throughout February, we will give you a new reason why you should masturbate and a new technique to try. This month we will be concentrating on techniques that may require the purchase of a product as well as giving the boys some techniques to ummm play with…
1st February:
Masturbation Reason: Because it’s FREE.
Masturbation Technique: Slippery when Wet: Never underestimate the power of lube! This is true for the guys as well as the ladies out there. The addition of a simple lubrication such as my favorite, SpunkLube Pink can make a huge difference to your experience and is worth every penny you spend..