Review: Liberator Shapes Bedroom Adventure Gear

Review: Liberator Shapes Bedroom Adventure Gear

Linerator Shapes ReviewFirst Impressions
I admit I was more than intrigued when the FedEx guy delivered one of the largest boxes we’d seen in a long time to our front door four days after we placed our order with the people at Liberator shapes. We’d heard some good things about the company and it’s products and eventually curiosity had gotten the better off us. We decided to see if they lived up to their claims of being able to make our sex lives better.

As Hubby and I slowly but surely set about dismantling the box and it’s contents my excitement grew. First thing we were greeted by was a small package that contained a video tape, a booklet and some money off vouchers if we decided to purchase more of the shapes in the liberator range. We had plumped for what we were promised was the companies most popular items, the ramp and wedge combo. Hubby and I flicked through the booklet, which was a refreshing change from the ones that so often accompany sex products, as it was actually erotic without being pornographic. Each page showed how we could use the various shapes in the Liberator range and we spent a good few minutes laughing and discussing which position we might try first, after moving onto the much bigger issue of extracting the shapes themselves.

What we found as we delved deeper into the box were essentially two triangular shapes encased in plastic wrapping. It wasn’t long before the plastic was removed and we looked at each other as we realized that the shapes came complete with waterproof tote bags. I’m known for my less than dirty mind and at this point I found my thoughts drifting towards long summer drives to secluded beaches and woods or even our own backyard. Oh, the endless possibilities!! But back to the task at hand, so to speak.
After unzipping the tote bags we were greeted with a royal blue velvet material that just begged to be touched. Soft and inviting is the only way I can describe this particular covering. I was also pleased to find that this cover was also removable and was machine washable, which is always good for those of us who like the occasional dose of messy sex. It was becoming more obvious by the second that these where a lot more than simple cushions and a lot of thought had gone into them.

I felt a bit like a kid with one of those Russian doll sets as I unzipped the soft cover and discovered yet another cover beneath it. This one consisted of a satin type material, was slippery to the touch and again washable and removable. Was this the last cover or was there more? You just know I had to look and it was the last cover as I found the foam itself beneath. This wasn’t any more ordinary than the cushions themselves. While I’m not a foam expert I do know dense foam when I see it and this was about as dense as it comes. I’m also pleased to be able to report that this was also fire retardant although the details of how I discovered that fact will remain with Hubby and myself to the grave -))

So, as you’ve probably gathered by now, we were so far impressed and couldn’t wait to try out the many positions the combination of shapes promised we could easily obtain. Before we began watching the accompanying videotape we tried every which way to get both the shapes to collapse, but try as we might we couldn’t and I’m no lightweight. We soon gave up and after placing the ramp on the bed settled back to watch the tape. The video opened with a scantily clad couple [Much to Hubby’s disappointment, he likes naked darn it!] who take us step by step, showing us what this product could do and how best to use it to get the most bang for our buck. It was short and sweet, but we were both raring to try the techniques by the time it came to an end. We couldn’t wait to try out this version of ‘geometric sex’, which we had dubbed it.

The Road Test
One of the first things we had to decide was just how to best position the shapes in order to obtain the optimum position angle and more importantly the right comfortable level for us. It took a little adjusting and butt moving, but we soon discovered that there was no sliding the shapes up and down, as you would expect. The fabric is engineered so that it almost sticks together, allowing for some pretty heavy play without it moving.

Finally we had the shapes positioned and were ready to try the heart to heart shape but not before Hubby noted how this particular position was good for taking pictures of certain areas of my body! I could see his point and although I was inclined on my back I had a remarkable amount of freedom and my head was firmly supported by the wedge that was nestled at the bottom of the ramp. I did feel a bit vulnerable in this position and expected the camera to be pointed and clicked at any moment but instead was greeted by a soft warm tongue licking it’s way up my thighs. Oral sex suddenly took on a more comfortable light as I lay back and let his tongue do the walking and as he remarked later, it was a lot easier on his neck that the normal lying flat position. It wasn’t long before we got down to some serious business and I have to say the extra angle definitely made for better penetration not to mention it was easier on his back. We gave this position some serious pushing and shoving, puffing and blowing but those shapes just wouldn’t budge.

We then tried the puppy love position. I love any kind of rear action, but Hubby’s not normally keen as he’s a bit taller than me, and the angles tend not to be good for us. Not so any more!! Hubby’s only complaint was that it was hard on his knees as we’d by then moved from the bed to the floor and we forgot to put down a mat over the carpet. As this position only involved the ramp we ended up just throwing it on the floor before…Oh use your imagination… -))

You just know I had to test the ramp and wedge combo with the soft cover removed and that’s what we did the following night. We added a little massage oil into the mix this time and Hubby laid back as I gave him a massage before I went for a joy ride! I’m not sure I would actually recommend this one but it was wet, slippery and fun to be sure. We sort of ended up sliding up and down on the satin material but it made for a hell of a lot of fun, a few laughs, and some great sex to be sure.

What’s It All Add Up To?
Since that first night we’ve worked our way through the booklet and invented a few more of our own. The shapes do take a little getting used to, but once you have them pegged they are a great way to enhance your lovemaking. Geometric sex has its definite advantages and trust us when we say you can’t beat soft, comfortable, and angled sex. What used to be ordinary mundane positions took on a new light when the Liberator shapes were added into the mix.

Although it’s been a little too cold so far to take them outside for a test run you can be sure they will be accompanying us on any camping/beach trips we take this summer -)) They were versatile, light weight, easy to clean and added a whole new dimension to our lovemaking, which makes them a winner in our book.

One word of warning though and we found this out the hard way. Keep these away from the kids who see the shapes and think playground!! Soft warm, plush playground at that. We now keep ours under lock and key in our bedroom. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!

While we were both skeptical about the Liberator shapes to begin with, we wouldn’t be without them now. These are one of the best products we’ve tested so far and they certainly live up to the manufacturer’s claims, which made for a nice change. Ideal for people of all shapes and sizes, Liberator shapes and geometric sex will never go out of fashion in our bedroom, back yard or wherever we decide to use them…

You can purchase ‘ Liberator Shapes Bedroom Adventure Gear.’ by clicking on any of the images above or HERE.

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