Media Kit: Clitical.Com

Media Kit: Clitical.Com

Media Kit For Clitical.Com:  MAY – 2015

The Big Book Of SubmissionFor more information, please contact:

Jenne Davis

[email protected]

You can generally expect a response within 48 hours, unless the cat has died, then I all bets are off.

Overview of Clitical.Com

  • Clitical.Com is a popular website that primarily covers: Female Masturbation, Sex Toy Reviews, Erotic/How To Book Review, Sex Tutorials, and Erotica in a sex positive and fun manner.
  • Clitical.Com’s Founder and CEO, Jenne Davis recently published the book, The Clitical Guide To Female Self Pleasure which was published by Collins Harper, UK. She writes on a regular basis for several other websites including Kinkly.Com as well as having several short erotic stories published.
  • This media kit describes opportunities for advertisers to reach this unique, and valuable audience.
Product Reviews

Product Reviews

Product Reviews And Policies. Yoda and I take our jobs seriously when it comes to reviewing adult products. If you are a company that is looking for a new product…
Advertising Opportunities

Advertising Opportunities

Advertising Rates, Opportunities And Policies. Clitical.Com offers numerous advertising opportunities for advertisers to reach our valuable, targeted audience. If you are looking for our media kit you can find it…