Why Twinkies Are Like Personal Lubricants!
Now that Twinkies are back on the shelves, the real question is, should I or should I not add them to my shopping list this week? I know they are just gonna sit in my pantry for years and likely never get eaten, but does that mean I shouldn’t buy them? I mean what if there was a nuclear disaster in a couple of year’s time? Would I be grateful for them as I’m told they will likely survive the disaster as there are more chemicals in those little devils than in your average high school chemistry lab after all?
I, like many others, go through this process when I’m deciding on a new personal lubricant. Okay, maybe not the nuclear disaster part, but many times I can hear myself weighing up the pros and cons of a particular lube: Will I use it? How often will I use it? Is it in my budget? What material is it made of and does that sit well with my own moral compass?