Book Review: Kissing a Field Guide: Written By Violet Blue 10

kissng a field guiideReviewed by Jenne
Pages 129
Publisher: Cleis Press

Kiss me slowly, kiss me quick, but please, just kiss me!!!

Kissing is a subject that we all encounter within your lives. Whether we be kissing our parents, kids or lover, it’s an important part of life, and knowing how to kiss and in some cases more importantly knowing how to reject a kiss can be an important life skill. This is where Kissing: A Field Guide comes into play.

The book concentrates on the kissing of a lover or at the very least a potential lover, and covers everything you wondered about kissing and probably a few things that you hadn’t. Violet’s style of writing makes this book a joy to read and more than a few time, I found myself giggling as I read the words. Full of fun tips, each page offers the reader something new and each is skilfully delivered often with a good dose of humor.

As I was reading the book I couldn’t help but wonder about the research that went into the various techniques and the fun that Violet Blue must have. I had visions of her walking up to strangers and planting a great kiss on them and watching and recording the reactions she received as she tried out all of her tips and techniques.

I have a vivid imagination anyway but the kissing field guide fed that imagination as I read passages such as this:

‘The Fish tank Kiss: Every girl’s nightmare. He’s totally cute, funny, the conversation is good—but then you kiss and it feels like he’s trying to clean the inside of you mouth as if it was a fish tank, As the minutes pass more slowly than you ever thought possible, you wonder if he’s actually looking for treasure. His tongues too hard, and it darts about quickly and all pokey, You are usually too stunned to decide whether you should wait it out or hold up a “send help” sign, Toss this one back into the sea.’

I’ve been there and not only did this bring back some vivid memories or should I say nightmares, it fueled the writer in me. There were so many stories that could of/might be spawned from these 129 pages it’s going to be hard to count them. Whilst this is designed to be a field guide, this book should be required reading for romance and erotic writers. There is so much good information in this book, it would be amiss of me not too state that for the record.

Whilst the book itself is written with female readers in mind, I think it should actually be required reading for guys as well.

Guys, if you want to know how not to make mistakes and be the fish tank kisser this book is well worth your time reading.

Ladies whether you have been kissed or have yet to meet Mr Right, this book is definitely worth your time reading. Not only do Violet’s words make you aware of what could be possible, she also gives you pointers to help you change a bad kisser from a frog into a veritable kissing Prince.

You can purchase you own copy of Kissing: A Field Guide by clicking HERE

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